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My Unforgettable Journey

In September 2022 Pancretan Association together with Hellenic National Defense General Staff (Hellenic Military) organised Youth Trip to Greece.  Anastasia Frangoudis one of our Pancretan Youth Members who is also a member of our Intermediate Dancing Group, reflects on her experience of being on a Youth Trip which was also her first trip to Greece.

“My journey in Greece is unforgettable, although what’s most important is we have a strong connection to Greece which we really felt when we were there it really feels like our second home. I think what’s most important is that we didn’t only connect with our country but we came together as a youth group,and created a close bond as a Greek Australian community throughout the trip. Many of us also enjoyed staying in a military base and seeing how the special forces train although most of all we are very grateful to have an opportunity of a lifetime to experience things most people won’t.

A highlight of my trip was going on a day cruise where we got to see the islands Aegina,poros and hydra. I would have to say my favorite island is hydra I loved all the beautiful narrow streets I saw. I even got to ride a donkey it was a nice ride around hydra,so relaxing and beautiful.”

The Pancretan Association of Melbourne would like to once again thank Hellenic National Defense General Staff, ΓΕΕΘΑ – HNDGS and Περιφέρεια Κρήτης / Region of Crete for making this happen.


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