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156th Anniversary of the Arkadi Monastery Holocaust

“Αυτή η φλόγα π’ άναψε μέσα εδώ στη κρύπτη κι απάκρου σ’ άκρο φώτισε τη δοξασμένη Κρήτη, ήτανε φλόγα του Θεού μέσα εις την οποία Κρήτες ολοκαυτώθηκαν για την Ελευθερία”

Τιμή και δόξα στους πεσόντες. Το Αρκάδι Ζει!

The holocaust of the Arkadi Monastery is a symbol of heroism and sacrifice which led to the Cretan Revolution of 1866 and ultimately liberation for the people of Crete and Greece.  The Pancretan Association held its annual commemorative Dinner Dance on Saturday 12 November to commemorate the Holocaust of Arkadi Monastery followed by a Church Service (Eulogy) and wreath laying ceremony at Axion Estin in Northcote.

Our association would like to thank the bishop of Sozopolis, Mr. Kyriakos, and the consul general of Greece in Melbourne, Mr. Emmanuel Kakavelakis for their attendance and support.  We would also like to thank everyone who attended and took part at our events.  A special thank you to the musicians from Crete, Yiannis Tsourdalakis (lyra) and Giorgos Psarakis (lute), as well as the local artist Antonis Iliou (guitar), the Pancretan junior, intermediate and senior dancing groups as well as the members and friends of our Association.

A full write up of the events by Neos Kosmos can be read here:

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